More English please!


I will post more English content and maybe even more posts exclusive in English like this one.

A bilangual blog doesn’t mean to just translate

Since I started this blog over ten years ago I wanted to support the English language. Not because I have interesting things to tell the whole world but more because I have a hand full of friends from all around the world. That is why all iterations of my Blog (including the WordPress and VitePress phase) supported both languages German and English. But just providing the language switch button isn’t really bilingual. When I randomly switched to the English version of my blog I realized that there were only five posts available. It remoinded me that I have to write English posts as well.

It is not just about different languages

My trick to avoid that situation back in the day was just to put my texts into DeepL and take the output into my blog. But that was anoying and didn’t helped any further since everyone nowerdays owns a browser which offers to automatic translate whole websites. I started to translate some posts by hand and sometimes wrote whole new phrases. The best thing I guess was to add special information. That kind of information which I believe are obvious to a German but might not be known to everyone around the world.

As an example we can take a look at the German post about my analoge film Camera. It tells you how long Rossman and DM needed to develop my films. But the English Version even tells you what a Rossman or a DM is. Of course that will make it harder to provide English posts as well but it is important to me to be accessible for everyone on the planet. Or lets say the biggest part of it.

I doubt that there will be visitors who are not capable of German but English but at least I know that wont be a problem.