Timmer’s Blog
This is Marius Timmer’s personal blog with reports on events I attended or posts about technical and political topics that currently interest me.
Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that German is my mother tongue which is why most of my posts are written in German. But sometimes I feel the urge to be more international. You should be warned that my English isn’t the best.
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I love John Candy
More English please!
My analoge Nikon film camera
Back to Hugo
The new OTRS 6.5 LTS-Release arrived
Switch from Hugo to VitePress
Hugo was good
Nearly six years ago, I finally said goodbye to WordPress and switched to a static site generator called Hugo. It was the perfect solution as it eliminated all the security risks associated with WordPress in one fell swoop, and also dramatically increased the performance of the blog due to the resulting static website.
Another significant advantage was that I could write my posts in Markdown, which automatically generated more attractive output. Over time, I made several optimizations to the configuration and, especially, to the theme. The latter might not have been the most elegant, but it visually suited me and was functionally optimized to the maximum for search engine optimization and automated semantic evaluations using RDFa. As a result, I consistently appeared at the top of search engine results. An automatically generated sitemap even allowed for perfect evaluation of subpages by search engines. One of the best, though sadly underused features, was the multilingual capability, which allowed me to publish some articles in English as well.
Hello world
Hello world!
After some consideration about whether it really makes sense to continue writing my small blog in handwritten HTML files, I decided that it might be a good idea to switch to a static website generator. That’s why I’ve now opted for Hugo. In the coming time, it will become clear whether and how much better Hugo is.
It’s also nice that I can finally use simple Markdown
here. Although I’ve
noticed that with this theme, the following elements do not work in the
preview or overview of the posts: